Trends of R& D in China Petrochemical Corporation are introduced in the paper. 文章也介绍了中国石油化工总公司在该领域的研究开发工作。
Dalian Petrochemical Corporation is one of the remained corporations which belong to China National Petrochemical Corporation having been reorganized and taken apart. 大连石油化工公司是中国石油天然气集团公司重组改制后下属的存续企业。
Entrusted by the tenderee, China Petrochemical Corporation Tendering Co., Ltd transacts the details of tender for the engineering on behalf of tenderee. 中国石化集团招标有限公司受招标人委托并代表招标人办理本工程招标的具体事宜。
Binxian depression which is the new region of interest of China National Petrochemical Corporation at Songliao basin is at the southeast uplift of the Songliao basin's eastern boundary. 研究区宾县凹陷是中石化在松辽盆地新区之一,位于松辽盆地东南隆起区,处在盆地东部边缘部位。
China petrochemical Maoming branch corporation applied physical dispersion and chemical modification to explore the production of I-D modified asphalt in the 10~ 4 t/ y industrialized plant. 采用物理分散加化学改性技术,在中国石化茂名分公司10万吨/年的工业装置上探索了生产I-D等级改性沥青产品。
This paper analyzed and explained the electronic attendance system in Baling branch company of China petrochemical corporation from some aspects including development background, settling scheme, system design and realization. 文章从开发背景、解决方案、系统设计与实现等方面对中石化巴陵分公司电子考勤系统进行了分析和说明。
In 1993, approved by the state council, both China petroleum corporation and China Petrochemical Corporation have been merged in accordance with region, and is symbol of the beginning of the merger of petrochemical industrial enterprises. 1993年,经国务院批准,中国石油和中国石化两家公司按地域进行重组,标志着中国石化行业企业重组序幕的正式拉开。
The paper presents the achievements in scientific advance obtained by China Petrochemical Corporation in 1998, and points out the situation, the main tasks and the measures in 1999. 介绍了1998年中国石化集团公司科技进步工作所取得的成绩;指出1999年面临的形势以及主要任务和措施。
Due to falling behind foreign large petrochemical companies in management, China Petrochemical Corporation ( SINOPEC) will confront more pressures while China enters WTO. 中石化集团公司与国外石化大公司相比管理上存在一定差距,加入WTO以后将面临极大的压力。
This paper described the development status of new synthetic resin products in China Petrochemical Corporation, analyzed the current severe challenges facing the domestic synthetic resin industry and presented the policy and tactics for adjusting the products structure so as to create the markets at home and abroad. 论述了中国石油化工集团公司目前合成树脂新产品开发的现状,阐述了当前我国合成树脂工业面临的严峻形势,提出了当前应重点做好的几项工作。
Main air distributor of the second dense bed in FCC unit of Jingmen Company ( China Petrochemical Corporation) has been revamped on the basis of the design method and experience for the main air distributor of regenerator in FCC unit. 基于催化裂化再生器主风分布器的设计方法与经验,对中国石油化工股份有限公司荆门分公司催化裂解装置二密相床主风分布器进行了改造设计。
The successful operation and rapid development of the E-Commerce of China Petrochemical Corporation show that the establishment of smooth information and high-effective E-Commerce networks play an important role in the whole profits of corporations. 中国石化电子商务的成功运营与高速发展,表明建立信息畅通、高效的电子商务网络对发挥集团化整体优势非常必要。
How to Enforce the Overall Budget Management of China Petrochemical Corporation 如何加强中国石化集团公司全面预算管理
Important scientific and technological achievements since the establishment of China's Petrochemical Corporation ( SINOPEC) reviewed in the paper. 概述中国石化总公司成立以来所取得的重大科技成果。
It provides a convenient way for preparing the energy balance report required by China Petrochemical Corporation for each refinery. 为执行中国石化总公司关于炼厂能量平衡测试报告的规定创造了有利条件。
China Petrochemical Corporation and Sustainable Development 中国石化和可持续发展
The development history of the computer application in China Petrochemical Corporation is reviewed. 回顾中国石油化工总公司发展计算机应用技术的历史,提出着手计算机集成过程(CIP);
Waste water discharged from Guangzhou Branch of China Petrochemical Corporation Limited has high concentration of ammonium and low COD/ NH4-N ratio. The waste water is treated by oxidation ditches and the removal efficiency of ammonium nitrogen is unstable. 中国石化广州石油化工厂炼油污水NH4-N含量高、COD/NH4-N比低,致使其具有经氧化沟处理后出水脱氮效果不稳定的特点,为此研制开发了一种沸石滤床。
China has already entered WTO. The third industrial structure adjustment is taking place in petrochemical industry. Many foreign big companies carry on extensive reorganization and amalgamation too, the enormous change has taken place in the internal and external environment that Jilin petrochemical industrial corporation is in. 中国已经加入了世界贸易组织,世界石油化学工业正在进行第三次结构调整,许多国外大石化公司也正在进行大规模的重组和合并,吉林石化所处的内外部环境发生了巨大变化。
The analysis of the synthetic resin production of China petrochemical group corporation 中国石化集团合成树脂生产情况分析
Some suggestions on the scientific and technological work of China Petrochemical Corporation are put forward. 对中国石化总公司的科技工作提出了建议。
Establish Safety Standard System Conforming WTO Rules and Improve Competitive Power for Market of China Petrochemical Corporation 建立适应WTO规则的安全标准体系提高石化企业的市场竞争力
The paper reviews new achievements of scientific and technological progress obtained by China Petrochemical Corporation ( SINOPEC) in 1996, expounds the severe management situation of SINOPEC in 1997, puts forward the main tasks and some important problems of scientific and technological advance in the new year. 回顾了1996年中国石化总公司科技进步工作取得的新成就,阐述了1997年中国石化总公司严峻的经营形势,提出了新一年科技进步工作的主要任务和几个重要问题。
Meanwhile it analyses the industry environment with the Five-factor Model of Competition, and utilizes the SWOT analysis to conduct the analysis for the competition environment where Shaanxi company of China Petrochemical Corporation Northwest division is located. 同时运用五力竞争模型对行业环境进行分析,利用SWOT分析法,对中石化西北陕西公司所处竞争环境展开分析。
As an overall non-listed enterprise of the China Petrochemical Corporation, Up to now from 1998, Chongqing NGC Corporation has experienced three key stages, covering loss of efficiency and benefit, turnaround, and sustained growth. 重庆NGC公司系中国石化集团公司整体非上市企业。1998年至今,企业先后经历了效益亏损、扭亏脱困、持续增长三个阶段。
Hence, to the request of the China Petrochemical Corporation, the surface tension data of the related system in the PTA production process were measured. 为此,按中国石油化工股份有限公司的要求,本文测定了PTA生产过程中相关体系的表面张力数据。
Fuxian block located in Yishan slop, south Ordos basin, it is one of six petroleum prospecting blocks which belong to China PetroChemical Corporation. 富县区块位于鄂尔多斯盆地南部,处于伊陕斜坡带之上,为中国石化登记的6个石油勘探区块之一。